世界和平宣言 A Call for World Peace
作者:高擎文化复兴大旗,传承圣贤智慧,和平弘扬民族精神,世界呼吁人类觉醒,和平倡导世界和平之龙的世界传人:宏泰 Author: hold the flag of cultural renaissance, inherit the wisdom of sages, carry forward the national spirit, awaken human beings, advocate the world peace--Descendants of the dragon:Hongtai 和平,是和平一个恢弘又微小的词汇 Peace is a magnificent word but also tiny. 和平,是世界一个既近又远的状态 Peace is a state of both near and far. 拥有和平的人,感受不到和平的和平重量 People who live in peace cannot feel its weight. 但失去和平的人,将它视作遥不可及的世界梦 But those who lose peace see it as an unreachable dream. 如果可以,我希望世界上不再有人感受痛失和平的和平沉重 If I can, I hope that no one in the world will feel the heaviness of lost peace. 如果可以,我希望和平只是世界一个美好的赞颂词 If I can, I hope that peace is just a word for praise. 如果可以,我希望和平就像一个健康之人的和平体魄 If I can, I hope peace is like a body of a healthy human being. 筑起世界上每一个人的精神 Building the spirit of everyone in the world. 滋养世界上每一个人的灵魂 Nourishing the soul of everyone in the world. 和平,不应该成为阴谋家的世界魔法棒 Peace should not be the magic wand of conspirators. 和平,不应该落在战乱的和平梦中 Peace should not be left in the dream of war. 和平,更不应该像一个托词 Peace should not be like a pretext. 和平应该被每一个人珍爱 Peace should be cherished by everyone. 和平应该逃离沉重苦难的衬托 Peace should escape from the suffering. 和平应该变成一种追求,一种以历史之门照进现实的追求 Peace should become a pursuit, just as the door of history revealed reality. 甚至是一种信仰,一种人类本身自我救赎的信仰 Even be a belief, a belief in human self-salvation. 那是对杀戮的摒弃 That is abandonment of killing; 对愚蠢的唾弃 Disregard for stupidity; 对混乱的制裁 Sanctions for chaos; 对苦死的悲悯 Compassion for bitter death. 人类有多需要和平? How much do humankind need peace? 或许,就像黎明毕生追逐着破晓时分 Perhaps, just like the dawn is always followed by the sunrise. 人类需要那一份撑起信仰的曙光 People expect that light to hold up their faith. 和平,是一个高尚的名词,一个温暖的动词 Peace is both a noble noun and a warm verb. 也是一个修葺在全世界任何一个角落都不会突兀的形容词 It is also an adjective that will not stand out in any corner of the world. 千百年来,有多少天灾起于人祸 For thousands of years, how many natural disasters have originated from man-made calamities 又有多少悲烈的战争始于贪婪 And how many sorrowful wars began with greed. 人性的裂变会摧毁道与德 The fission of human nature will destroy morality. 道德的消逝必然造成自然崩解,山川剧变 The demise of morality will inevitably lead to natural disintegration and dramatic changes in mountains and rivers. 此时灵性也将消弭殆尽 At this time, spirituality will be completely eliminated. 如果和平不能永驻,自然必将降下祸端 If peace cannot last forever, it will certainly bring disaster. 如若和平消逝尘埃,一切便为时已晚 If peace fades away, everything will be too late. 唯有和平,能抚平灾祸 Only peace can smooth out disaster. 唯有和平,能承载新兴纪元 Only peace can carry the new era. 因为,在世风日下的环境里,我们需要和平 Because we need peace in this worsening circumstances of the world. 因为,在战火纷飞的时代里,我们渴望和平 Because we long for peace in the era of war. 因为,在混沌不堪的局面里,我们呼唤和平 Because we call for peace in the chaotic situation. 和平是人类生存的基石 Peace is the cornerstone of human existence. 是一代代人类追求美好,架构灵魂与现实的桥梁 Peace is a bridge for generations of mankind to pursue beauty, and also the construction of soul and reality. 和平促成为国为民的爱 Peace promotes the love for both country and people. 和平凝聚成普及天下的智慧 Peace condenses into universal wisdom. 和平从来不曾成为物质,被某种人所占有 Peace has never been materialized and possessed by someone. 她是世间,每一个灵魂都理应享受的唯美与大爱。 Peace is the aestheticism and great love that every soul in the world should enjoy. 和平是公正的,无差别的,兼爱的,正义的 Peace is fair-minded, indifferent, loving and just. 她伟大,充满了光和希望 Peace is great and full of light and hope. 她带着对生的热忱,对黑暗的践踏 It has a passion for life and tramples on darkness. 灵魂秩序的核心是觉知的爱, The core of soul is conscious love. 在爱的世界里所有人才能互利共生,团结奋进,共存,共荣,共享。 In the world of love, all people can coexist for mutual benefit, united and forge ahead, prosperity and share. 在爱的世界里人们才能实现和平。 In the world of love, people can achieve peace. 在和平的世界里才能创造伟大的文明时代。 In the world of peace, a great era of civilization can be created. 和平之所以伟大 是因为她能造就世界的团结 Peace is great because it creates the unity of the world. 因为和平,所有人都能共系一心 Because of peace, all people can unite as one. 因为和平,各式的文明与宗教都将齐聚一堂。 Because of peace, all kinds of civilizations and religions will come together. 因为和平,所有种族都将再无偏差。 Because of peace, all races will have no deviation. 所有人都能共享和天下与悦生活 Everyone can share and enjoy life in the world. 所以,我们的世界需要和平 Therefore, our world needs peace. 和平,是一种中性而伟大的声音 Peace is a neutral and great voice. 她代表着所有人的利益 She represents the interests of all. 她从不割裂,也不决绝 She is never split up or refused. 她从来不曾成为任何一种文明或是宗教 She has never become any kind of civilization or religion. 但她包容所有信仰,承载所有。 But she embraces all beliefs and carries all. 她将化身为各种各样得声音 She will be transformed into a variety of voices. 而这些声音终将归于和平 And these voices will eventually be attributed to peace. 因为这就是源头之爱 Because this is the love of the source. 是生命的漓泉,是甘甜的梦想 It is the spring of life and a sweet dream. 在和平的年代里,我们必将牢记和平 In an era of peace, we will surely remember peace. 在混乱的年代里,我们理应塑造和平 In an era of chaotic times, we should build peace. 在盛世的年代里,我们始终捍卫和平 In the era of prosperity, we have always defended peace. 在流血的年代里,我们拼死争取和平 In the bloody era, we fight for peace. 因为和平,一定要变成太阳 Because peace must become our sun. 落在每一个角落 Shine in every corner. 因为和平,才能化作信仰 Because peace will be turned into faith 填满每一个晦暗潮湿的角落 Filling every dark and damp corner 照亮人类的光明前途 Illuminating the bright future of mankind. 为了太阳始终是太阳 For the sun always be the sun 为了蓝天始终是蓝天 For the blue sky is always blue 为了和谐与和平,共荣与共享 For the sake of harmony and peace, common prosperity and sharing. 人类命运共同体,伟大的文明时代 The community of human destiny, the era of great civilization. 是我们人类初始的梦想与追求 This is our initial dream and pursuit. 所以——只有和平才能构筑我们所有的梦 Therefore - only peace can build all our dreams 只有和平才能创造一切美好的梦 Only peace can create all beautiful dreams 天下唯有和平之理可以得万古长青 Only peace can be everlasting in the word. 唯有和平可以使得万古归源,东西共融 Only peace can make everything return to the source and the integration of east and west. 当我们一统和平大势,共享和平之美 When we unify the general trend of peace and share the beauty of peace 当和平的意识渗透到每一个人的心中 When the consciousness of peace permeates into everyone's heart 每个人的心之企盼才能发挥旷古恢弘的作用 The expectation of everyone can play a grand role. 才能在地球的新节点,化为光,成为爱。 Which could be turned into light and love at the new node of the earth. 试问和平为何物?她不曾为何物 What is peace? She has never been materialized. 她不过教我们心源统一,至善至美,融通万物,容纳所有。 She taught us that our hearts and minds are united, perfect, beautiful, and accommodating. 止息纷争,河川共融,皆是和平之理 Stopping disputes like merging rivers are all good reasons for peace. 为了人类的光明未来 For the bright future of mankind 为了拯救过去与未来的危机 To save the past and avoid the future crisis 我们须世世代代,呼唤和平的永驻 We call for a lasting peace for generations. 我们须得永无止境,追逐和平的脚步 We will endlessly chase the pace of peace. 如若和平一天没有回归本位 If peace does not return back someday 那一天,必定是我们为和平奋斗的一天! That must be our day to struggle for peace!
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