关于召开第六届中国国际储能大会 暨首届中国国际储能应用展览会的通知 主题:适应经济发展新常态 推动储能应用新发展 时间:2016年5月24—27日 地点:中国—深圳会展中心 主办单位: 中国化学与物理电源行业协会 中国投资协会储能产业投资促进中心 中国储能网 北京鉴衡认证中心 赛迪顾问 承办单位: 中国化学与物理电源行业协会储能应用分会 中国国际储能大会组委会 独家赞助: 比亚迪汽车工业有限公司 协办单位: 三星SDI 江苏华富储能新技术股份有限公司 深圳市科陆电子科技股份有限公司 其他单位待定中 随着电力市场化程度的不断提高,储能产业将在新电改的中国圳召刺激下,将迎来重要发展机遇。国际2016年作为国家储能产业“十三五”规划的将深开局之年,认清新形势、第届顺应新常态、中国圳召把握新机遇、国际迎接新挑战将会是将深构建储能产业发展新生态最重要的创新驱动。 As the development of power market, the energy storage sector is going to confronted with key development opportunity with the power reform. The year 2016, as the first year of “13rd Five-Year Planning” for Chinese energy storage sector, should be most used for innovation for the national energy storage sector among “new normal, new opportunities and new challenges. 根据目前国内外储能技术发展现状和发展趋势,针对我国在能源互联网、中国圳召规模化储能、国际微电网储能、将深分布式可再生能源储能、第届通讯基站储能、中国圳召工业节能用储能技术、国际家庭储能、电动汽车风光储充(换)电站等应用领域需求,国家相关部门正积极组织实施储能产业重点研发专项,继续推动前瞻性储能技术基础研究、共性关键技术、产业标准、商业化运营模式以及产业政策研究,为储能产业发展提供强有力的技术支撑和战略储备。 Based on the development conditions and trend of both Chinese and overseas energy storage sector, in order to meet the needs in these fields like energy internet, large-scale energy storage, microgrid storage, distributed renewable energy storage, communication base station, industrial energy conservation-based energy storage, household energy storage, EV-Wind-Solar-Energy Storage Charging Station and so on, the Chinese government is proactively organize and implement energy storage key projects to boost the prospective energy storage research, key technology, industry standards, commercial operation and industrial policy study for technology support and strategic reserve. 为进一步加强国内外储能产业界的交流与合作,在推动能源结构优化同时,依靠储能技术逐步实现能源转型,中国化学与物理电源行业协会、中国储能网、中国投资协会储能产业投资促进中心、北京鉴衡认证中心、赛迪顾问等将联合主办第六届中国国际储能大会(深圳)暨首届中国国际储能应用展览会,本次会议将在加快培育具有核心自主知识产权的储能技术,探索风光储输等可再生能源技术的商业开发利用有着重要积极意义。首届中国国际储能应用展览会是中国化学与物理电源行业协会主办的“第十二届中国国际电池技术交流会/展览会CIBF2016”的重要组成部分,CIBF2016展览面积为82500平方米,参展商将达到1300家,展位数量超过4000个,将有来自50多个国家和地区的40000多名观众参观展览会。 For the sake of international energy storage communication &cooperation, China Industrial Association of Power Sources(CIAPS), China Energy Storage,China General Certification Center, CCID Consulting and so on will co-host the 6thChina (Shenzhen) International Energy Storage Conference & 1stChina Energy Storage Application Exhibition to boost energy structure optimization and transformation based on energy storage technology. The Conference will play an important role in terms of culturing intellectual property rights for key energy storage technology, discussing renewable energy commercial development and application such as wind-solar- energy storage-transmission. As an important part of “12thChina International Battery Fair”(CIBF 2016) hosted by CIAPS, covering 82,500 m2with 1,300 exhibitors and over 4,000 booths, the 1stChina Energy Storage Application Exhibition will attract more than 40,000 visitors from 50 countries and regions. 2011年、2012年、2013年、2014年,中国储能网在北京已成功举办四届中国国际储能大会,分别就"储能的价值与使命"、"储能的应用与展望"、“储能的机遇与挑战”、“储能的商业化运营模式”为主题进行了深入探讨。2015年在上海成功主办第五届中国国际储能大会。储能大会已邀请到来自中国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、德国、法国、韩国、日本、西班牙、台湾以及香港地区等国内外200余位前沿专家发表精彩演讲,国内外3000余家领先企业积极参会。据中国储能网初步统计,中国国际储能大会平台已成功帮助企企合作、校企合作、内外资合作金额突破50亿元人民币,并建立了强大的高端人脉资源渠道。中国国际储能大会现已成为储能产业领域最具权威性和影响力的国际盛会之一。 China Energy Storage has successful held the China International Energy Storage Conference consecutively in the past four years, and made deep discussion on these themes like “Energy Storage Value & Mission”, “ Energy Storage Application & Outlook”, “Energy Storage Opportunities & Challenge”, “Energy Storage Commercial Operation Mode”. The year 2015 witnessed the 5thChina International Energy Storage Conference successfully held in Shanghai. So far, more than 200 cutting-edge experts from China Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, US, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan, Spain etc. have delivered presentation and over 3,000 leading enterprises took part in the conference. According to statistics of China Energy Storage, the conference has boost the cooperation between enterprises, university and enterprise, Chinese and overseas enterprises around RMB 5 billion, and built high-end human resources channel which made the conference as one of the most authoritative and influential international conferences in terms if energy storage sevtor. 会议行程安排: 中国化学与物理电源行业协会储能应用分会 中国国际储能大会组委会 联系方式: 联系人:李 湘(13661266197)吴东东(18612444330) 周晓晴(13488676941)罗 芹(15010790851) 马 岩(15811011569)刘若思(18611388430) 联系电话:010-65000267,010-65001167,010-52423233,010-69940026 传 真:010-65002772 E-mail: edit@escn.com.cn 储能应用分会官网:http://www.escn.com.cn/ 地 址:北京市西城区木樨地北里甲11号国宏宾馆1116室
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